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[旅遊討論] 【台北旅遊攻略】漁人碼頭,情人橋上細品夕陽美景,迷...









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199 小時
發表於 2019-6-12 19:22:38 |只看該作者 |新文章置後
5 |1 k; N2 D" \* Z. i+ @( w! x  V
【台北旅遊攻略】漁人碼頭,情人橋上細品夕陽美景,迷人夜景的浪漫一隅│Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf in Taipei.
4 A) q- c" g3 f4 S2 ~3 g* c; o; C8 v  |9 }3 A/ }8 n8 r, t
2 f* D4 L8 b3 e& w8 o6 ?傍晚時分來的話, 可以看夕陽, 看夜景,1 m' x' n! r6 ^% c1 S+ y
假日的時候, 還可能會遇到街頭藝人獻唱,, S% x& W7 n4 Q- k( [( \( e
來一段海景的浪漫邂逅吧!- O! m- x. a" y7 T

. O0 \3 s4 K; v影片提供廁所、電梯、座椅資訊,0 D; N5 B4 N7 i7 @; Y9 I9 ~
* k+ U- f. Q4 w" Y4 X* d# R, `* M再轉搭公車紅26到淡水漁市站下車扣4點,; |9 J* _; M5 U7 |. B0 i6 o; J
有任何問題可以在下面留言,) |( V' \. G9 w; G7 j. P! J. f  b
芭樂媽會和你一起交流~  a2 Q! i) I5 ^7 P

/ v5 i2 G/ |* }' |+ C【淡水漁人碼頭】
* R* ]  e* i: C& ~1 z* \  D地址:新北市淡水區觀海路199號
! n" \" L& {  ?0 J6 x# P$ ~電話:02-2805 8476
/ z( [; P- n" p! L; Z& Z開放時間:
7 b8 x# p/ s' A+ [( b% [0 ]港區為24小時開放,
. Y4 O) [% `, M1 q: u2 H8 t商家營業時間為11:00~20:00,! B5 t, o  f" J& [" I3 C" T
0 @# j& e( W1 N: a$ {/ W
: H" H, ~) Y5 a1 h* z1 k" l* e4 o2 W4 U  l# A4 s
Welcome to watch "Let's Go Outing!" unit.
$ F4 f  U( S6 f' ^We are going to Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf.5 ]) ~0 C+ i# W
One of the most famous locations in Taiwan.
! w* X( {) {' {+ z: d  p- MThe Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf is well known for its beautiful sunsets.
, Y  }* d1 I5 {Within the past few years, the wharf has gone through a major renovation process,
: C+ t, y- R: J! o" Obuilding several new buildings including restaurants, hotels, shops, and the Lover Bridge of Tamsui,
* z  X$ F5 N1 lcompleted in 2003.
- ^# ]$ F! h  K; f; o1 hAt night, the bridge illuminates with a wide variety of colours.
9 ~8 j$ y+ E" |" B$ q6 o5 JSince the wharf is located a bit outside of Taipei City, 1 }  V! f; n- u' c  _0 k+ S( @+ m
some visitors choose to stay overnight nearby the wharf.( J- R) N1 U2 U3 u% U/ o
/ D1 N2 [& Q! l
Hold Senior EasyCard take MRT from Taipei Main Staion to Muzha Station will deduct 12 points., n; t9 N2 Y) x; Q2 z2 t# r
And then take bus 795 to Shifen Visitor Center Station deduct 4 points.
& Q3 ?$ ~) U* h* S' e3 cHave any questions, please leave a message below.
% V+ @% H4 _) [% B$ j5 `I will reply you.- C% {) Q4 L& C5 c9 ?0 D- U
$ E9 A9 K# J+ }2 o! X* V) p5 [
Turn on CC subtitles,
# e, Q6 ~5 K' o8 B# Z# v8 N' @: CIf you have any questions about the practice,4 \- Q5 p8 r; {+ g. Q
Welcome to leave a message below!$ L: S( G  Q. ~* ]4 V' w) l6 r2 o
# u8 m  b1 l8 p( k3 o* L# C
0 @$ y6 i! j' {) r( G* D" x4 H
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