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[寵物] 狗狗天生知道如何愛









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發表於 2013-7-17 00:48:58 |只看該作者 |新文章置後
http://www.worldjournal.com/view ... 9B?instance=wjengch5 }% M" Z" N9 g- g2 q. G% z

4 _  p- n# y7 S! |( V  QBeing a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish wolfhound named Belker.3 X% p8 j1 [! }4 @" p2 B9 Z) y

, Z$ f* a. F9 z. O8 @3 @身為獸醫,我曾被找去為一隻名叫「Belker」的10歲愛爾蘭獵狼犬看病。
3 p  Q4 H$ }7 j
7 A) ]& O+ {/ _8 R, A5 e! pThe dog's owners, Ron, his wife, Lisa, and their little boy, Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.. _0 T$ z" H% @, m; l( f% j

9 |3 D+ s+ N7 d- b  k" TBelker的主人羅恩,他的太太麗莎和他們的小男孩西恩都和Belker感情很好,也都期待奇蹟發生。
3 M* m# f, ^: I8 B& Q7 a. Y3 D% ]* l$ P9 |0 U# S3 p
I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.
8 l! \( i7 [; I" Y% z6 N" O
8 L9 H. R7 e) i4 j, ]2 g檢查後,我發現Belker罹患癌症,回天乏術;我告訴這家人,我們無法幫Belker做點什麼了,也建議在家中為牠實施安樂死。
* q" W0 @; q! x2 d1 v3 B& G, d$ n- ?2 H# a* c  k& \: m
As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.6 d& w1 X, G+ V+ E. N- d0 d# w2 ?

; w, g8 f9 r% {. e4 q3 S+ L& L在我們準備的時候,羅恩和麗莎告訴我,他們覺得讓西恩觀察整個過程會是好事,相信西恩也許能從這段經歷學到一些東西。
$ y  k3 V6 r' I. Q6 F8 S" i0 n; G, I' q! d" c: p
The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.
) K# ^$ w  P) X+ H' }4 @$ C+ m4 }+ s/ J' N
隔天,這家人圍繞在Belker身邊時,我和以往一樣有了哽咽的感覺。西恩似乎很平靜,最後一次輕拍這隻老狗,我甚至懷疑他是否真的瞭解情況。幾分鐘之後,Belker安詳地死去了。/ R0 ~9 t  s& U  Q' H) m5 H1 e' W
; y% G+ F! n/ i
The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.* d" M* V) J9 j. t1 [5 f) R) a
& ?7 @' M6 J6 w! s, Z/ {1 |/ b
' r+ b! g5 m: W% e7 F9 R" |. ]1 r# @) S
Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "I know why."
7 X  l3 a' B- C% p. J- E2 J/ B; a$ G# w2 A
靜靜地聽著我們談話的西恩,忽然冒出一句:「我知道為什麼。」( g3 w; p( D) Q! D6 N

$ }/ @" C# ^6 N0 qStartled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?"
( B) T' ~4 l. f& m& ~% }4 }. b; k9 K
' Z) J2 J  E4 X8 ~9 I) T" s5 F- T  E3 b( a. h5 j7 Z
The six-year-old continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."(allone.com)6 z9 ~5 v  w3 N! m3 g
5 @# f5 u* ^$ c# R# u* l+ A
' x- K2 f; D8 O1 E8 d
8 I1 t1 r0 L+ R8 Y詞解:1.euthanasia:安樂死
- D0 r4 C9 |" X. S8 F0 v" @; C' U
6 K$ ~$ h( c" j& R7 _: g5 V" A2.transition:過渡,轉變8 Z8 _* M& r, s$ U) N9 ?

" _7 I- ^9 f$ K  h3.pipe up:尖聲的說,脫口而出
5 ^& x: [9 w# B$ M" d5 \7 _5 u* y9 f* F
3 l6 `2 l! o6 O! j# @7 O
0 h/ \. \9 r) L1 {' l4 @/ zRemember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:  u6 c: a! X" ~/ l0 I
, `- l) K  i4 G! X% r- X
記住,如果狗狗曾經是位老師,你會學到這些東西:# R7 D4 {  D! c

$ n3 M& D+ \  v! A8 yWhen loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
$ O8 U, y* Y9 U( ^; n) Q) ~8 o. m. q% H+ p4 Q
+ w: \( I" S0 q4 P& U7 }3 N) s" [
! t$ w% F: K2 m! B( T1 sNever pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
- c: l1 Q4 d1 j! J
1 H2 B) _% }# }3 i0 m$ [! L3 L永遠不要錯過能夠出去玩兒的機會。
) k8 ?* L* R) H! v, D# m* K4 x9 ?& y6 N
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.4 H+ a' s$ b% p; G' u* _8 e

2 i" |6 [3 [4 }  g隨時尋求關注並讓人們撫摸。7 X! x7 n" V: C7 U. E, _& D7 B) V
, \) @+ O/ {3 N4 e" |- L& I- ~1 @% B
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
1 _( h* K" G3 m9 R5 u
% f) k6 P! U) H5 @高興的時候,跳舞並搖動整個身體。
7 i3 _  c  N( K0 P7 |3 W6 h
0 k+ W! d! `/ Z1 }0 PBe loyal." V1 S# M3 L7 U
. R- f+ F+ E$ J: t; L7 B. r+ c/ D5 M
忠誠。$ f9 q2 C8 ]1 K$ t2 Q- o
$ `# _0 V" C% R9 M
Never pretend to be something you're not.; a: P3 r7 c& X, o9 X

5 S# @) @9 W* P) @) i) \4 v4 T1 Z永遠不假裝。" ^: c8 m3 u3 k6 |; P

9 J9 C( ?/ k: T& p2 `/ Y9 y8 n3 KWhen someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.) w# Z" U7 \' \8 x+ [
. P8 v: p6 B0 V8 B0 R% Z. ]% g; l
如果家裡有人不開心,保持沉默,坐到他身邊,溫柔地拱拱他、安慰他。1 y. P! L$ l1 p, E8 n

2 H0 j6 |' }# LRead more: 世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊 - 狗狗天生知道如何愛
, r/ u8 O/ f( v2 q
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