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[旅遊討論] 【台北旅遊攻略】烏來瀑布,走吊橋、搭台車、踩老街、...









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發表於 2019-6-24 09:45:27 |只看該作者 |新文章置後

" @0 |/ G9 U, G) W' ]) j【台北旅遊攻略】烏來瀑布,走吊橋、搭台車、踩老街、看瀑布、泡溫泉,深入泰雅族文化的知性旅遊│Wulai Waterfall and Atayal Aboriginal Village. 4 V( p* a6 q  M
# B$ L% }" `7 |3 w$ ?  L
「親子長青這樣玩」來到了烏來瀑布,1 l) A5 r" w+ u. V$ F4 F
( v5 H  w, K+ Y$ z- u% X' q2 _9 X! K這是必來的景點之一,
6 K' f9 l1 S; n7 ^7 b可以感受和十分瀑布不一樣的大自然奇景,1 W! |/ ?/ G- d$ J% r& r% n8 U
+ F; D: x5 ^7 J: U: X1 _( V8 t+ I# [% u) s& a: ?- E
影片提供廁所、電梯、座椅、路線資訊,% E9 |& R, M. y
* t8 f: H; S% I6 d% O. O再轉搭公車849到烏來站下車扣4點,4 F' G0 x5 L  R5 J+ p1 D4 {/ [
2 F  g, o6 |1 ]芭樂媽會和你一起交流。+ Y$ L+ e8 Q. t  ^! F  H, g# w( p0 s
: K4 d" @. M6 N; [
【烏來瀑布】2 g5 |1 O5 M  ^6 A
9 b- R( A. U0 T. [0 U電話:02-2661 6942" c9 `5 a* g/ ?( I0 Y
開放時間:全年開放1 T6 q3 J# t" d9 v; W

% r" T& X! |: h5 Z9 m+ H. E【烏來瀑布遊客中心】
8 m9 d! |8 I* }6 \8 v地址:新北市烏來區瀑布路34號
/ i: h8 c0 L* I2 L/ S電話:02-2661 29428 _5 g( i" k7 Z6 L
" @, T5 K4 d  R% [2 [9 U$ ?
1 g3 i1 ~$ t% l【烏來觀光台車】
- w, A& `, `0 [. q7 n乘車處:新北市烏來區烏來街(烏來攬勝大橋與溫泉路口交會處)、烏來林業生活館旁
( R* [0 y2 A# d洽詢電話:02-26617826
6 l$ x' Q/ l5 o* @, B0 f7 |8 E+ i開放時間:平日 08:00-17:00;(7~8月) 09:00-18:00( F9 l) R( s2 ?6 e7 X

) z' s/ a6 C. J3 E+ |6 T% L/ k5 n, T【烏來立體停車場】5 M/ v' o( g4 U9 n# T+ _: Y
6 Y& j# |! S. _電話:02-2661 7410+ x$ b( e1 @8 @% K
- k! V1 u9 `- `, `. [1 o
6 g2 i" i1 z% E9 `' P+ E# ~# Z3 k* c4 zWelcome to watch "Let's Go Outing!" unit.
8 G' ?: F5 v$ A* @" q8 @We are going to Wulai Waterfall.
# ?# C7 Y3 ?# R1 D: yThe Wulai Waterfall with a height difference of up to 80m at the intersection of the Wulai River and Nanshi River is the most famous attraction in Wulai.
6 `1 h/ r7 b5 n4 y( ]Visitors are recommended to visit there in the afternoon to enjoy the glittering sunshine flickering above the water.
' G/ u' ?+ {7 S% @. {The sound and power of the fall are also great for visitors to relieve stress in daily life.
. k$ z, t3 D2 d' s+ k1 s  @6 z& c' p6 a$ P
The “Wulai Waterfall” with a height difference of up to 80m is known as “the waterfall with the largest height difference in Taiwan”.
1 A) M( Q' B9 e; L7 W% `Water falls from the height down to the river valley like a rainbow.
) J& j, U/ V0 I3 \In the Japanese colonial period, it was called the “waterfall from the cloud”.
1 u5 B/ i0 Z- N
. o3 i+ @: ~/ d6 F$ lHold Senior EasyCard take MRT from Taipei Main Staion to Xindian Station will deduct 12 points.
' D+ t' f$ t* o+ D. U& bAnd then take bus 849 to Wulai Station deduct 4 points.
& x$ @  f2 j% |/ ?, ?! A% \: c2 q2 B3 p) W# G
Have any questions, please leave a message below.0 `1 X5 E4 c( T5 j% D, [0 I; s
I will reply you.6 f) i0 n" _# L' @/ `
2 Q" G' ?0 Y* P) w) h" [
Turn on CC subtitles,
. V3 `+ F6 M: {# x$ ~8 ~/ ~If you have any questions about the practice,
4 k2 [' @+ U* j$ V2 l: rWelcome to leave a message below!% i- W9 n+ @5 a) g9 h9 F

; b3 |# O- C, |4 p8 P, w+ M! ^
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