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[私房料理] 【素食第12道】親子烹飪素食蔬食「花椰素魚丁」









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$ T- {: j- \. M7 r+ `3 Y  R% }1 k6 u9 l3 _, ]9 p( Z) M9 O
【素食第12道】親子烹飪素食蔬食「花椰素魚丁」│Vegetarian Fish with Broccoli
; F- l2 y' c; ?) O( g9 y0 H( Z* ~  ]/ {1 w, q5 \: x+ c5 L' D( c
材料:8 u/ u! c0 s# Y3 E( ~# `
9 e% T) r7 e" ~, {, I4 S+ ]2 E6 N9 U
; y: J3 W9 D1 p1 U$ `7 J! e調味料:0 B# D3 y, t3 F2 _  h
4 i+ ~9 f6 }8 v5 c; m" t( m6 F6 X/ G
1 y! |! a2 a0 l: Z  \" Q8 U$ q. L1.青花菜分切成小朵,洗淨,用少許油炒熟,加少許鹽調味後盛出圍在盤緣備用。
7 A( R5 q. q3 s% T( ]. o- @2. 素鱈魚切小丁:甜椒去籽後洗淨,切丁;白果洗淨待用。. [8 [; w0 A$ Q' w2 l  i) o
3. 燒熱少許油,把薑末爆香,再加入素魚丁、甜椒丁及白果拌炒均勻,接著加入所有調味料拌勻,材料熟透時盛出擺在青花菜的中間即可上桌食用。
# R2 j0 z$ b# Y6 P) r# o; M+ l
. ?* q2 X; a8 Y# |$ f【素食第12道】素食蔬食「花椰素鱼丁」│Vegetarian Fish with Broccoli
. Q2 Z6 V' x( |$ Z1 ]% [3 K. [; V% `1 ^( m) Y$ r
材料:0 r: n2 t% F! [# n9 m9 j
3 ]4 Y3 a, g; a; o& E9 ?$ S
9 p- c7 q6 J. K调味料:
$ ~, t. h/ V1 Z( s盐、香菇粉、香油
) E; ~" Y1 _. X) ]  b" J. v
- p& u; N' v0 z" }7 Z' r9 ]作法:7 v* M0 C% R6 b* O( N7 [, x
1.青花菜分切成小朵,洗净,用少许油炒熟,加少许盐调味后盛出围在盘缘备用。7 p/ q; h: K/ P
2. 素鳕鱼切小丁:甜椒去籽后洗净,切丁;白果洗净待用。
. v, u/ L, @1 f3 M$ p3. 烧热少许油,把姜末爆香,再加入素鱼丁、甜椒丁及白果拌炒均匀,接着加入所有调味料拌匀,材料熟透时盛出摆在青花菜的中间即可上桌食用。7 O( ?4 @3 |% ^) u% f2 w

$ K* k0 t" l& H; s! T& sIngredients:
2 [4 q( L3 G5 P! T$ P5 p, Fbroccoli, vegetable cod, red bell pepper, gingko nuts, minced ginger
* L9 I* ?, ]! v$ T4 A3 P: p% X6 P) |1 n0 L4 g" I
Seasonings:: p) c) m9 O* P+ L% C' ]
salt, shiitake mushroom powder, light sesame oil/ h- R- H7 n( m! `
0 i3 r& E4 _  B
9 |9 {5 M& _! d. G: L1 ^4 I5 M" O1. Divide broccoli into small florets and rinse well. Stir-fry with a little oil until done and season with salt to taste. Remove and garnish along the rim of the serving plate.2 H; l3 \/ m( Y2 i5 n% O" ~, @
+ a2 `+ m8 w# Z6 E! s, f
2.Dice vegetarian cod. Discard seeds from bell pepper and rinse well, then dice. Rinse gingko nuts.
* }1 {, U% j1 _/ X  u. Y$ @9 O6 d+ @+ b) H# I5 p* k+ G
3. Heat a little oil and stir-fry minced ginger until fragrant. Add vegetarian diced fish, bell pepper and gingki nuts. Stir until even. + l3 t; H. N' e; q. J+ s
, l8 R4 a. G& [  _
Season with all seasonings to taste. Cook until done through and remove to the center of the serving plate.
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