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俄國知名男中音 Dmitri Hvorostovsky 版本的 Toreador Song









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發表於 2011-10-24 21:21:14 |只看該作者 |新文章置後

! b' Q* u7 x7 _5 v9 |3 m# mToreador Song (法語曲名 Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre) 是比才歌劇 Carmen (卡門) 第二幕的經典詠嘆調,也是一首專為男中音量身訂做的曠世佳作。這首豪情狂放的詠嘆調,旋律快意優美,是 Carmen 歌劇中的耀眼明珠,也是許多知名男中音口袋必備的曲目。
' r4 d* n' c2 I' f0 u% _3 D% Q, w* u
/ t5 a" q7 r' _" ~3 D5 x  R
Dmitri Hvorostovsky 是俄國近十年來舉足輕重的男中音,也是許多女性古典樂迷欣賞的聲樂家,他的聲音品質極佳,演唱風格獨特。依照 Carmen 劇本,劇中演唱此曲的鬥牛士 Escamillo 是由低音男中音 (bass baritone) 擔綱,Dmitri Hvorostovsky 則是男中音(baritone),低音部份的表現就不會太完美。$ H& e9 L  p- q  k3 J
  & e. a; K% b* R* a, d$ X

# I5 a5 o% d( i! d8 s: S7 b歌劇「卡門」簡介:1 L; P$ M  ]% h2 x' Z7 r; o5 f
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen) O7 a7 S& C: F& A5 B
  a! B  D! ^  L5 d# i, ]

" \" ]2 `4 ~, Y" L: A* vToreador Song 歌詞介紹:
3 O! E* h4 R- n; X$ q  H: [( z. Chttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toreador_Song6 C1 `$ _# Q! n3 s, y2 _4 e: s

) s% p; H! l  |1 ?0 C
% _% ]+ ~# L3 x% UDmitri Hvorostovsky 官方網站:
7 I  ]3 k- K& g; q4 Rhttp://hvorostovsky.com/en/7 }3 ~/ y; Y8 y' ]% w
: X" j* S8 b  D. T* m
) m! B. [; K+ o) k  l, z

# P# A4 i7 f$ V/ x' O" x, v" P. k- x) m/ }
; d* x9 ^8 v4 Y! p
(「顧盼自雄」是 Dmitri Hvorostovsky 的舞台表演風格,本人倒是很親切。)1 o1 P0 b' D1 l! t' P' X: Z; b. V" x
6 w# d8 x$ R4 E. T0 C( q
1 U7 Z% h; P! {0 {
0 J' S" P% m6 u( j( Z4 v2 q
0 B$ W" L$ `3 [3 S- ~4 b1 u$ H" M) i- ~9 q4 O$ O# G
Your toast, I can give it to you  e3 A3 Y6 i$ z2 ]9 F4 l- Z
Sirs, sirs, for with the soldiers6 a9 x% o. ?) N2 m5 H
Yes, the Toreros, can agree;3 k! b6 r6 l* F5 ^8 k% J9 z
For pleasure, for pleasure  \, r! D; F1 p' J: Q6 j% C$ s
They have fights!
% E- ^5 s8 A6 H' b, L! ^The arena is full,
, z' l; X4 O0 ]it is a celebration day!1 G$ Q8 n: [0 V" h
The arena is full, from top to bottom;% y6 X8 [, Q2 _% R6 g1 }, L9 S
The spectators, losing their heads,
) w+ o5 L. l: x, XThe spectators call to one another with a great din!
; ?- n6 }; u$ A+ v5 J7 E9 e' PRude shouts, cries and uproar# m! U2 x* M8 K
grow into a furor!' \6 R" R3 W/ ]5 }
For it is a celebration of courage!5 z3 A" N- n, n8 |8 i/ H" X
It is the celebration of strong-hearted men!0 _4 i. S; T0 T5 k5 Z
Come on, on guard! Come on! Come on! Ah!/ _8 u% D7 X+ I1 }" ?# j; v
Toreador, on guard! Toreador, Toreador!
2 k7 F! J- Y" A5 e. gAnd think, yes, think as you fight,8 q6 F+ ^  I3 ~6 d
That a dark eye is watching you,
- A: ^. Y+ Q# |And that love awaits you,# \5 k* W$ A& ]4 k( f" [) E: E# Z
Toreador, love, love awaits you!0 ?4 m; B3 e! T& W% i
And think, think as you fight,
7 P7 z1 r5 g3 ^5 W8 c; r6 VThat a dark eye is watching you5 A8 g) W' L1 l0 ]; y1 B8 v1 K( c
And love awaits you7 P2 T  B' ?: {2 k: f
Toreador, love, love awaits you!
0 w) f$ k! j' D  F  t2 M6 eAll of a sudden, people fall silent
1 f( c9 f$ C- F& q3 B% {! t" fPeople fall silent ...
1 h: ^/ U3 K! `6 XAh, what is happening?
6 i" |$ X* N% x* ^- L, k. k7 u' }; |No more shouts! The moment has come!
$ h9 N6 |, Q) j& @5 I. tNo more shouts! The moment has come!
- Y- s8 S) S! eThe bull charges forward" L) n# W0 R0 D8 u$ h/ Y
Bounding from the Toril!% p* D; ^7 X  e0 Q8 U! @
He charges forward! He enters.% V0 H( S9 M+ m+ J! n
He strikes! A horse rolls,# E7 ~* ?# f! `5 r" h
Dragging a picador,& m5 B# X0 {% r  M, o" ]( Z( ?, h& r
Ah, Bravo! Bull! The crowd roars!
: h/ H: H; I+ s$ p1 DThe bull goes, he comes,
5 A  B- f1 z! @8 p! o* BHe comes and strikes again!
9 d$ E; U5 n# y2 AShaking his banderillas,6 }1 N: o6 b! Y! q9 o. G9 K& Y5 E
Full of fury, he rushes!
* j2 T9 b* ^- g$ m6 s2 CThe arena is full of blood!
, _9 x6 N3 j0 x+ _. ?People are fleeing, they jump over the railings
+ f! ~2 {6 I( F0 U' y: qIt is your turn now. Come on!
0 b% O7 c1 k/ |, M1 S% b! rOn guard! Come on! Come on! Ah!
% b5 E" e2 L7 n1 s0 `Toreador, on guard! Toreador, Toreador!
9 B+ E) ~9 b- h' ~2 oAnd think, yes, think as you fight,
1 I6 E  {( f# w7 g! O8 D$ q; sThat a dark eye is watching you,0 Z# o  g8 V3 L; W7 @0 O$ \% F' {4 m
And that love awaits you,
& ]/ S: q% h$ \% y4 z3 J& LToreador, Love, love awaits you!1 w: v$ [4 G' a
And think, yes, think as you fight,7 n, u! o1 g, s( f
That a dark eye is watching you
, Z: Y" \: P; z5 |" @/ u' f0 v! BAnd that love awaits you% ]' P4 i/ P+ r9 U8 C0 e5 ^
Toreador, love, love awaits you!
4 w7 }8 b3 L1 G9 sLove! Love! Love!
+ I  n- w( {; k6 r- pToreador, Toreador, Toreador!
+ y5 V& ^1 |" w1 F# U
$ q) J* R, h: M1 c6 f9 R6 m- R) g  Y% c! o

+ v. I$ L6 i5 |( k" C0 y( P; Y: }
, w& Y6 Y( e1 d- ~

' d/ Y6 s( z1 t$ ^5 ]* H世界知名男低音 Nicolai Ghiaurov 五十年前錄製的版本。$ W/ F2 p- x* ?  T
Nicolai Ghiaurov 的音域較廣,從 bass 到 bass baritone 都可以勝任,所以可以完美詮釋這首 Toreador Song。4 V8 R3 O! k; K- t

/ O0 d8 s" G' n4 I% D* |: g+ B  t9 l8 z9 i2 z
1 Q8 f' f! K; e5 r2 \( v9 M

, L, G0 u5 c  {7 c; e


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