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[旅遊討論] 【台北景點】銀河洞越嶺步道,飛瀑如絹別有洞天,簡直...









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發表於 2019-7-9 09:45:10 |只看該作者 |新文章置後

( Z$ J& I! u, c& r( O1 D( `【台北景點】銀河洞越嶺步道,飛瀑如絹別有洞天,簡直就是人間仙境│Yinhe Cave Trail. Yinhe Waterfall in Xindian. 
4 x# P$ g5 b- `( b
( u  F8 N6 D. e+ F- S「親子長青這樣玩」今天來銀河洞越嶺步道,
$ H# p. H: G2 z  d7 v2 K- ~銀河洞位於北宜路旁,為一個內凹的山壁所形成的山洞,) J1 X9 m/ U9 @8 q
  l: R) p5 }3 p! s- J% L楣子寮溪流至此處,遇斷壁而呈現九十度急墜,形成銀河洞瀑布。5 p8 q; w* P: H4 q! [
* r& l- t2 ^$ F7 `1 M6 X廟旁有一縷飛瀑如絹,凌空而下,銀河洞的瀑水清洌甘甜,7 n2 ^. z! |( l+ L' ^
因此常有遊客至此掬水暢飲。銀河洞的石洞之下設有一個小小花園,/ B- e! @2 i$ Y
3 D3 ~  z8 U: m享受水花四濺的透涼之感。
1 Z  w" Q, _$ U9 X8 s! }& g& m, B5 `7 ]/ _" D/ b. {
影片提供廁所、電梯、座椅、路線資訊,2 Z. T4 i% o' _4 n# T
2 p1 p1 T9 A9 B. R. P9 }0 F4 T" w有任何問題可以在下面留言,( M7 }6 T0 t8 h: m' m! I
芭樂媽會和你一起交流。! T5 X" s& ~) j$ i
6 n3 E8 w4 `7 o' _4 F" i! N, I
【新北市新店區|銀河洞越嶺步道】7 C0 J' \/ W' @
【Yinhe Cave Trail】
5 m8 m8 Q& _* i; K地址/Address:新北市新店區銀河路2 E8 R& `* `/ r; |) P
Yinhe Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
" `6 z4 `6 n" J) A) _9 c; ?  s
2 A, y7 J, {" G0 b* K開放時間/Opening Time:全年開放, r$ I  k) I: \- o, T6 I  w- U
6 V* l3 V7 {5 H2 H9 |' c9 V+ r' \
門票收費/Admission Fee:免費! v: `( |2 E' L+ C

9 A! Y! }: J( ^! `3 j! ]交通資訊/Travel Guide:
4 y5 d# _6 a0 [, i3 F4 ^+ h/ T◎新店捷運站搭車
. ]7 V, |& r- p; N/ n/ U1.新店客運(坪林線)北宜路《銀河洞》站下車1 z  @$ t2 i% T  N4 l
2.新店客運647、650、綠5 坐到總站《中生橋》下車
. P8 {3 t3 @/ R: |9 e! S沿北宜路往上走約10分鐘,有個大轉彎,對面銀河路約走25分鐘,到銀河洞登山口。
; J& U! o( X$ Q* n/ z6 A$ M◎貓空方向上山
) r) C3 ]* ^9 v* {; _4 C9 R/ n棕15、小10《梓湖站》下車往銀河洞方向- Y3 X1 x; e, \! v
◎開車4 q6 ~2 [+ h9 v& T; W
3 l& z+ d  d* F+ `# V◎注意事項
  a! m4 k4 i2 Z+ b( |上山沿途並無商店,須自備飲水。
8 n9 ?3 T4 S: S山區氣候多變,請攜帶禦寒衣物及雨具。
% E6 M! u% V2 u7 {$ F: H' w" m雨天步道濕滑,要小心行走。 2 t% A- }' k' x$ A
4 V5 Z5 N3 ]3 `- K, e
9 Q6 T* Q$ T1 s) D8 j; ?
Welcome to watch "Let's Go Outing!" unit.& v: Q$ q) k' O+ t# I# P
We are going to Yinhe Cave Trail.
! J: n  `1 g8 ]The Yinhe Cave is located next to Beiyi Road and is a cave formed by a concave mountain wall.0 c) m7 T5 A! c( x
There is a small temple dedicated to the Bodhisattva Guanyin in the cave. The wall has the words "Bie You Dong Tian" (means hidden but beautiful spot)." r+ u5 I  b: C% L7 K, F) w4 X# V# o: g
The Yinhe Cave was discovered in the first year of Dazheng (AD 1912), and the Ludong Bin Temple was built next to the cave.! l6 {2 e+ b: o' w) [) V  }
There is a waterfall like a raft at the temple, and the creek is down, and the waterfall in the Yinhe Cave is clear and sweet.( I- Q0 _% l/ \
Therefore, tourists often come here to drink. There is a small garden under the Yinhe Cave.2 y! L7 `0 |& p; D2 c
There are stone tables and chairs in the park, where visitors can enjoy the waterfall and rest while cooling.
3 H. ~; [  P" s0 [Enjoy the cool feeling of splashing water.& [" \* j- \3 d
( n" O! |8 I  d9 M8 m
The video provides information on toilets, elevators, seats, and traffic guide.
  B: J( j2 H) M7 T6 x) eHold Senior EasyCard take MRT from Taipei Main Staion to Xindian Station will deduct 12 points) Y5 u% d& V/ u' b2 x* G: T
And then take bus Green 12 to Yinhedong Station.
0 s- _* W1 c% @5 N* d0 y9 ~' y; I0 j
If you have any questions, please leave a message below.8 x3 M0 M/ A9 b, l
I will reply you.$ z. g9 J; N8 J5 H
1 _: K* o2 L7 J9 o
Turn on CC subtitles," J. M9 ]$ f! M
If you have any questions about the practice,
* a) m0 N5 o; E: z" Q# l1 y: u9 ^Welcome to leave a message below!" `! S# Z: F' X0 G
7 B* _2 Y: j9 Z! z. t5 A9 [8 v( [
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