失業者的健保自己想辦法 想不出辦法就停保 生病就自費
啥 都失業了 沒錢吃飯哪來的錢醫病
唉 俗話說[有錢醫病 沒錢挨命] 沒錢 只好等船沉了
請社會大眾公評 這種制度公平嗎作者: phantom 時間: 2013-2-15 21:53
Culture doesn't save anything or anyone, it doesn't justify. But it's a product of man: he projects himself into it, he recognizes himself in it; that critical mirror alone offers him his image. (Jean Paul Sartre) 作者: evalee 時間: 2013-2-15 22:09