iBeta 愛北大論壇

標題: 台灣快速道路-60公里速限-超速照相 [列印本頁]

作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-20 01:19
標題: 台灣快速道路-60公里速限-超速照相
本帖最後由 BasePX 於 2012-10-24 10:39 編輯

台灣快速道路60公里的速限 is the most 不合理速限 I've ever seen anywhere in the world.

美國住宅區速限 is at 35 mph for undivided roads and you have a 3-5 mile tolerance. That means it is safe to drive 60 公里時速 in a 美國住宅區. There is the 學校區速限 at certain time of the day the 速限 is reduced to 20 mph (32公里時速) when the school kids were let out.

美國住宅區速限 is 41 mph (65 公里時速) on all divided four-lane main road and you have a 3-5 mile tolerance. That means it is safe to drive 72 公里時速 in a 美國住宅區. . There is the 學校區速限 at certain time of the day the 速限 is reduced to 35 mph (56公里時速) when the school kids were let out.

My question to the Traffic Planners in Taiwan:

If 56公里時速速限 is save for the school kids on undivided 學校區 roads in 美國住宅區, why is the same speed not save for 台灣平面道路 (most with 50公里時速速限)?
If 72公里時速速限 is save for the divided four-lane roads at 美國住宅區速限, why is the same speed not save for 台灣快速道路 (divided four-lane)?

作者: dingding    時間: 2012-10-20 01:54
作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-20 02:13
本帖最後由 BasePX 於 2012-10-19 11:19 編輯
dingding 發表於 2012-10-19 10:54


...the divided four-lane roads
at 美國住宅區速限 ... 台灣快速道路 (divided four-lane...)?

With all due respect, I wish the answer is that simple, I was born in Taiwan, I have a Driver's Licence from Taiwan, I drove in Taiwan and in the US.
作者: dingding    時間: 2012-10-20 02:19
BasePX 發表於 2012-10-20 02:13

...the divided four-lane roads at 美國住宅區速限, why is the same speed not sa ...

美國住宅區速限 is 41 mph (65 公里時速)
作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-20 02:21
dingding 發表於 2012-10-19 11:19
美國住宅區速限 is 41 mph (65 公里時速)
在台灣............住宅區速限可能嗎??? ...

You did not read my post, I was asking:

"...If 72公里時速速限 is save for the divided four-lane roads at 美國住宅區速限, why is the same speed not save for 台灣快速道路 (divided four-lane)?..."

作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-20 02:26
本帖最後由 BasePX 於 2012-10-19 12:02 編輯
dingding 發表於 2012-10-19 11:19
美國住宅區速限 is 41 mph (65 公里時速)
在台灣............住宅區速限可能嗎??? ...

I was asking if 美國住宅區能速限 41 mph (65-70 公里時速), 在台灣快速道路的速限為什麼不能速限 65-70 公里時速???
作者: kay3616    時間: 2012-10-20 03:17
作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-20 03:26
本帖最後由 BasePX 於 2012-10-19 12:39 編輯
kay3616 發表於 2012-10-19 12:17
台灣速限方式除了道路種類外還有車道數...同為快速道路..2車道跟4車道速限不同...美國住宅區車道有些可能比 ...

It was a very simple question...

  • same divided four-lane,
  • same width,
  • same road surface condition,
  • same lighting...

The only difference is that the

  • 台灣快速道路 is channelized (no possible pedestrian or biker intrusion) and the
  • 美國住宅區道路 with pedestrian and biker intrusion.

But the 速限 is higher on 美國住宅區道路.

I am not comparing apples with oranges.

作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-20 03:45
kay3616 發表於 2012-10-19 12:17
台灣速限方式除了道路種類外還有車道數...同為快速道路..2車道跟4車道速限不同...美國住宅區車道有些可能比 ...

I am NOT NOT comparing Apples with Oranges.

I am asking while with all other condition being the same, but with channelized 台灣快速道路,

美國住宅區能速限 41 mph (65-70 公里時速)
台灣快速道路的速限為什麼不能速限 65-70 公里時速?

作者: anes855    時間: 2012-10-20 06:41
I think most US drivers would follow the speed limit according to the territory or the state

The city you lived must be a countryside and have wide road

Read the driver's handbook when you arrived another state is mostly important, or you will easily get a ticket

Most speed limit in US residential area start from 15 or 20 miles/hr
作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-20 07:25
本帖最後由 BasePX 於 2012-10-19 16:31 編輯
anes855 發表於 2012-10-19 15:41
I think most US drivers would follow the speed limit according to the territory or the state

The ci ...

Thank you for telling me the speed limit of my State, and the speed limit of the residential area of my CITY. I drive as fast as the road condition allows, and by the law.

As far as I know, I live in a City, with "regulation" road-width. Please only command on KNOWN facts.

I drove on the road of my CITY and the speed limit on residential ares is 35 mph. I drove on the台灣快速道路-60公里速限. My US city road-width is narrower that that of the 台灣快速道路-60公里速限.

State of Texas       
Freeway 75-85 (trucks)       
Freeway 55–75(urban)       
Divided 70-75(rural)       
Undivided 30-75(rural)       
Residential 15–55

I am not comparing apples with oranges.
I am just trying to show the unusual low speed limit on 台灣快速道路.

作者: Chun    時間: 2012-10-20 07:59
本帖最後由 Chun 於 2012-10-20 08:01 編輯


再不然就是該路線的設計就是那樣的速度設計...(比方說迴轉半徑 坡度 等等...)
而且道路也不是那麼單純的二分成快速道路 一般道路 兩種...

看看那個地方是不是有特殊的狀況 才訂出較低的速限???
作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-20 08:34
Chun 發表於 2012-10-19 16:59


環河環河南北快速道路: 中天新聞》(Nov 26, 2011) 才剛通車2天的新北市環河快速道路,被民眾發現限速規定實在很混亂。短 短2、3公里的路程,一下子限速60公里,一下子又變成40公里...

...請問一下環河快速道路限速到底多少? 為何有50又有70~~ 難道沒有一個統一速限嗎? 小弟在環河北路2段南向北路段被照(限速50,時速63被照)...

...晚上從市民大道下接環河快速道路往華江橋時;那時約開6x往華江橋行駛時;過那隻固定式測速煞車到5x(還 ... 剛上網察看了好像也是說那是速限60...

I can post more, but you should have got the idea.

作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-20 08:46
Chun 發表於 2012-10-19 16:59


道路性質        市區快速道路
速限        40-60km/h
起點        新店區環河路
終點        新店區環河路

作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-20 08:48
本帖最後由 BasePX 於 2012-10-19 17:53 編輯
Chun 發表於 2012-10-19 16:59


水源快速道路 直線段 60, 水源快速道路、基隆路快速道路速限60公里,環河快速道路則有50、60、70公里3種速限,信義快速道路一條路就有40、60、70公里之分。.
作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-20 10:38
本帖最後由 BasePX 於 2012-10-19 19:39 編輯
dingding 發表於 2012-10-19 10:54

國情不同?? like what??

Don' mean to be unrespectful, can you show one example?

作者: phantom    時間: 2012-10-20 16:07
你目前所提的問題「If 72公里時速速限 is save for the divided four-lane roads at 美國住宅區速限, why is the same speed not save for 台灣快速道路 (divided four-lane)?」
「65快速道路」限速60Km相較於美國的社區道路(the divided four-lane roads)是更嚴格沒錯。但從「安全」的角度來看,「65快速道路」應該是更安全才對,沒有「時速速限提高到72公里就不安全嗎?」的問題。(按:如前所述,單以安全的角度看時,愈安全愈好。)
若從「道路使用效率」來看,「65快速道路」確實比美國的社區道路(the divided four-lane roads)更沒效率。
作者: Chun    時間: 2012-10-20 19:47
本帖最後由 Chun 於 2012-10-20 20:18 編輯
BasePX 發表於 2012-10-20 08:34
環河環河南北快速道路: 中天新聞》(Nov 26, 2011) 才剛通車2天的新北市環河快速道路,被民眾發現限速規定 ...




作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-21 05:20
phantom 發表於 2012-10-20 01:07
Hi,道路的限速通常必須考慮到「安全」與「效率」兩種,若單以安全的角度看時,愈安全愈好。單以效率角度看 ...

I am delighted to read your posting, a fair and balanced piece, a lot of valuable information.

Thanks a Million.

作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-21 08:17
Chun 發表於 2012-10-20 04:47
這樣的道路有個共通的狀況就是車道寬度都比較小,以及沒有路 ...

作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-22 03:11
Chun 發表於 2012-10-20 04:47
這樣的道路有個共通的狀況就是車道寬度都比較小,以及沒有路 ...

添塊磚頭. 善哉 善哉!!

作者: Antus    時間: 2012-10-22 19:10
I don't see the reason to complain about speed limit. basically, if you wanna drive in certain country/area, u must obey the local traffic law. It's just that simple.

Texes and NYC can post different speed limit. the East Side "highway" or JFK "express way" has lower speed limit. The local government set the limit, u will just need to obey that.

according to ur logic, a driver from Germany may complain why there are speed limit on major highway. Autobahn don't have speed limit, why stupid america have that.
作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-22 23:54
本帖最後由 BasePX 於 2012-10-22 11:59 編輯
Antus 發表於 2012-10-22 04:10
I don't see the reason to complain about speed limit. basically, if you wanna drive in certain count ...

I was not complaining, and you miss-read my piece (about the ...logic...). I was just asking why the difference of speed limit under similarly similar conditions. If an apple dropped on my head while I was resting under an apple tree, I'd ask why?

I followed the speed limit while driving in Taiwan, never any speed ticket.


作者: Antus    時間: 2012-10-24 21:19
本帖最後由 Antus 於 2012-10-24 21:22 編輯

as far as i read ur writing, you are comparing the speed limit between Taiwan and US in "similier" condition.

you are saying why xxxxxx is OK in the US but not in Taiwan. The problem is... Taiwan is not United States. Taiwan has different traffic law which post an lower speed limit. I don't see any problem with that.

all i can say is obey the local law or pay fines. There is really nothing to argue/complain.
作者: 若水    時間: 2012-10-24 22:10
有一對老嫗在公路上被警車攔下來,她們趕緊澄清自己並沒有超速,一直保持35公里的時速;警察告訴她們這是第35號高速公路所以時速不能低於100公里,結果老嫗對看,S.......T, 原來上一條路段我們時速開到200是•••••••
作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-25 00:06
本帖最後由 BasePX 於 2012-10-24 10:56 編輯
若水 發表於 2012-10-24 07:10
有一對老嫗在公路上被警車攔下來,她們趕緊澄清自己並沒有超速,一直保持35公里的時速;警察告訴她們這是第 ...

This is what we need on this Board, healthy discussions.

I was just 拋磚引玉 trying to start a healthy discussion, no other purpose, not saying where/who were better than the other, not complaining.

I follow the speed limit while driving in Taiwan, more than that in the US.

Thanks to you all for taking the time to write your mind on this subject, I'm delighted to read different voice from so many kind friends.

作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-25 01:37
Antus 發表於 2012-10-22 04:10
I don't see the reason to complain about speed limit. basically, if you wanna drive in certain count ...

A picture is worth a thousand words:

作者: 麥克    時間: 2012-10-25 10:44
快速道路的速限是由交通局設定的, 歷年來國人也不斷的在爭取放寬速限, 不過交通局官員聲稱自有一套計算道路安全速限的方式, 參考基準有彎道數量, 彎道曲度, 路幅, 車道數等等.

隨著國內高性能車量越來越普及, 車輛操控性與馬力提昇, 以往政府以 [低限速] 來克服駕駛人因為自身技術與車輛性能不佳所導致的安全風險問題, 不斷的被民眾質疑不切實際, 認為我的車子四平八穩, 快速道路又平又直, 油門輕踩一下可能不小心就超速違規了, 設這麼低的速限不是坑人嗎?

數年前, 台北市政府在馬英九市長時代發難, 真的[依法行政]照著速限牌上的數字來照相取締, 一時之間民怨沸騰, 說各廠牌車輛的車速表誤差這麼大, 何來統一標準可嚴格執行? 因此迫使交通部公告全國一致的政策, 即 [速限牌的數字再加上10才會照相取締], 等於變相放寬全國各種道路的時速限制.

更甚者, 還立法要求警察的測速照相要在前方數十公尺處插警告牌, 告知 [此地無銀三百兩] 前面有測速相機, 再這麼白目衝過去的話, 就不要再怨政府了, 也因此民眾與政府對速限問題的爭議, 相安無事到今日.

這整個故事就是這樣了, 其實很多開車技術好, 車上有配備GPS測速照相定位提示的駕駛, 還是不會照速限來開的, 要多快就有多快.... 閃過相機就是了.

作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-25 12:22
本帖最後由 BasePX 於 2012-10-24 21:32 編輯
麥克 發表於 2012-10-24 19:44
快速道路的速限是由交通局設定的, 歷年來國人也不斷的在爭取放寬速限, 不過交通局官員聲稱自有一套計算道路 ...

On the News today:

SAN ANTONIO - The fastest highway in the U.S. will open on Wednesday.(在美國限速最快的公路週三開放)

The grand opening of Highway 130 takes place at 10:30 a.m., but the road will not be completely open to traffic until sometime in the afternoon. (德州的交通部已經批准,從1111日開始,他們將提高首府AustinSan Antonio之間的130號洲際公路(State Highway 130)速限,達137km/h(85mph)。)

Drivers will be able to legally drive up to 85 miles per hour (85英里/小時 = 136公里/小時)on the stretch between Seguin and Austin. That's led to predictions that drivers used to going faster than speed limits will routinely hit 100 mph (100英里/小時 = 160公里/小時).

作者: 麥克    時間: 2012-10-25 14:25
BasePX 發表於 2012-10-25 12:22
On the News today:

SAN ANTONIO - The fastest highway in the U.S. will open on Wednesday.(在美國限 ...

其實美國的速限不管放多寬, 本身參考意義並不大, 因為德國早有無限速的高速公路, 開放給自家的 BENZ, BMW去狂奔.

我想重點在於不是每位駕駛都有興趣以時速 140Km/hr以上衝刺, 那需要很好的駕駛技巧與注意力, 否則也只是多點機會早一點上西天而已, 大部份的駕駛在車速超過110以上時, 安全視覺範圍就縮小了, 開起車來手腳就軟了.... 看到名貴跑車從旁邊用 120Km/hr以上速度呼嘯而過, 超車加上變換車道硬著要卡位時, 還會咒罵一句 : 夭壽, 是趕要去赴死喔.

我記得以前出差時在加州 Highway 101上, 晚上這些美國人開起車來都超快無比, 幾乎都是維持在 120Km/hr左右在狂奔, 逼的我們這些外國人也得跟著大腳油門衝刺, 我有一位加拿大籍的同事(台灣人, 雙重國籍), 有一天半夜 Call help給主管, 說被 highway 101上的公路巡警欄下來了..... 問他為什麼, 他說, 因為我的車速應該快 150km/hr吧....

然後他拿加拿大護照去跟美國警察坳......最後, 沒有收到 Ticket, 被訓誡一頓後放行....
作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-26 01:01
麥克 發表於 2012-10-24 23:25
其實美國的速限不管放多寬, 本身參考意義並不大, 因為德國早有無限速的高速公路, 開放給自家的 BENZ, BMW ...

My daughter asked me once: "Daddy, how fast do you drive??". My answer to her was: "I drive as fast as the road condition allows." It is a statement that I can write a book about.

Your said: "...時速 140Km/hr... 那需要很好的駕駛技巧與注意力, 否則也只是多點機會早一點上西天而已, 大部份的駕駛在車速超過110以上時, 安全視覺範圍就縮小了, 開起車來手腳就軟了..." Your point was the the heart of the "speed-kill" Myth.

One needs 120% concentration and full awareness of the surrounding condition, complete knowledge of the performance limitation of the vehicle, sharp eye-hand coordination, and top physical condition to drive fast. If one simply puts the foot down and floor the gas paddle, one is asking for trouble. Everyone can cook but not everyone can be a Chef.

There are only a handful of drivers do top speed of his/her vehicle on 無限速的高速公路. I am one of the handful; I pay maximum attention while driving, in any speed.

The only accident I had in my X0-year driving was in Taipei in 1978. I hit the tail end (luggage rack) of a motorcycle that run the red light. I acted fast enough but I did not slow down fast enough to miss him completely (no ABS), but I've managed to slowed down fast enough to throw him off his motorcycle with no injury to him nor damage to his motorcycle. He picked up his bike and speed away, leaving me to pick up the repair bill for the damaged front end of my car.

作者: 麥克    時間: 2012-10-26 09:08
BasePX 發表於 2012-10-26 01:01
My daughter asked me once: "Daddy, how fast do you drive??". My answer to her was: "I drive as fas ...


1978, 民國 67年的汽車, 那時能選的車種不多阿.....請問是那一款的?
作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-27 04:25
本帖最後由 BasePX 於 2012-10-26 13:56 編輯
麥克 發表於 2012-10-25 18:08

1978, 民國 67年的汽車, 那時能選的車種不多阿.....請問是那一款的? ...

速利 1200, white, with custom white rims.

I found a stock photo on the internet (it is NOT my car, but it is the same model and color).

作者: BasePX    時間: 2012-10-29 14:20
麥克 發表於 2012-10-25 18:08

1978, 民國 67年的汽車, 那時能選的車種不多阿.....請問是那一款的? ...

My record was Taipei (火車站) - Taichung (火車站) on surface road in under two hours.

作者: 國王    時間: 2012-10-31 00:17

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