根據您連結到她的履歷,她的全名是Kathryn Mary Durham,所以可以是凱薩琳,也可以是瑪莉小姐.不過她自己屬名Kathryn.美國人有很多人不用自己的middle name的.從她的教育經歷來看,她有維吉尼亞州Radford University的學士,還有麻州大學U. Mass Amherst的碩士學位.曾經在U. Mass教過大一英文寫作,韓國釜山東亞大學校教過英文,還有韓國小學英文.
很不幸,看起來她有精神問題,已經不適任.我想最好的辦法是連絡AIT http://acs.ait.org.tw/ 通知他們,有美國公民需要醫療協助. 美國在台協會的網站上說: In case of an American Citizen Emergency, please call (02) 2162-2000 and press 0 or * (star) at any time to reach an operator or duty officer.
There is a recent sighting of a US citizen Ms. Kathryn Mary Durham in the residential area near the National Taipei University in Sanxia (新北市台北大學附近). Her profile has been identified as http://www.parkenglish.com/seeke ... =&PrevNext=9734
Community members voiced serious concerns that Ms. Durham could cause public danger. Would you please advise what would be the best way to handle this matter? Your comments are appreciated.