We the people是美國白宮於2011年創立的網站,提供全球人民向歐巴馬請願的管道,議題一經提出,只消十萬人連署成功,總統就會對該議題進行回應,太陽花革命一起,台灣海內外愛台人士很快的就簽署完成。在美國,諸如此類讓政治領袖直接面對人民的做法很多,2009年由美國「國家報」(Nation)、「華盛頓時報」(The Washington Times)和Personal Democracy Forum所組成的團隊,創設了一個網站叫做Ask The President的網站,不是只有一般的記者可以進入白宮提問題問問總統歐巴馬,遊戲規則很簡單,提出問題後,經過民眾來推(不必登入),越往上者,白宮記者會可以優先回答!
ICRT EZ news 看一下,總會比較中立吧 (04/18 10:00 am , morning news)
Former American Institute in Taiwan head - Richard Bush - Wednesday echoed
the Ma administration's concern over recent anti-China trade accord protests
- saying the protests could undermine efforts to sign trade agreements with
other countries.
Speaking in Washington, Bush also expressed his concern over the methods
employed by the student protesters who occupied the Legislative Yuan for
three weeks -- saying it has led to concern about what such actions mean to
Taiwan's democratic institutions.
"The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men."──柏拉圖
公民記者、媒體的參與,將傾斜的第四權導回正途,也有人說網路的力量已成為監督媒體的第五權。的確,公民影像已然成為新的力量,紀錄片《誰叫你不乖》(You Should have Stayed at Home),紀錄2011年G20高峰會時,多倫多街頭的和平示威遭到政府的武力鎮壓,當加拿大政府矢口否認使用暴力時,民眾手機裡的公民影像紀錄遂成為最有力的武器。