標題: 多益必考練習 - A9 [列印本頁] 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-3-17 19:13 標題: 多益必考練習 - A9 A. concentrate B. functions C. patrons D. affordable
1. LiveHouse offers top-quality appliances at __prices.
2. We have already informed __of the restaurant's temporary closure.
3. Nokia 8587 __as a cell phone and a digital camera.
4. I can't __on my work with so much noise. 作者: nollores 時間: 2014-3-18 18:43
D. C. B. A.
concentrate作者: sb156 時間: 2014-3-19 10:24
yes, you got it! 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-3-19 10:26
A. medication B. cancellations C. currency D. separated
5. Researchers say that the __is helpful for back pain.
6. Tourists can exchange __at the airport.
7. The two buildings are __by a distance of 50 meters.
8. You can make reservations and __over the internet. 作者: J大 時間: 2014-3-19 16:40
A、C、D、B作者: nollores 時間: 2014-3-20 00:06
A. C. D. B. 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-3-20 09:20
yup~ ACDB is correct!作者: sb156 時間: 2014-3-20 09:23
A. charities B. union C. alternative D. judged
9. The event was held to raise money for __in Africa.
10. The building design contest was __by a panel of architects.
11. Environmentalists believe that we need to use __fuel sources.
12. The labor __declined the company's initial wage offer. 作者: nollores 時間: 2014-3-20 19:08
A. D. C. B.
union作者: sb156 時間: 2014-3-24 19:40
you have them all correct!作者: sb156 時間: 2014-3-24 19:49
A. divided B. overall C. approximately D. implied
13. The new government policy will affect the __economy.
14. The director __that Ms.Pearson would not be promoted this time.
15. The examination period lasts for __one week on average.
16. The profits will be __among the participating AIDS charities. 作者: J大 時間: 2014-3-24 20:10
B、D、C、A作者: nollores 時間: 2014-3-25 09:36
B. D. C. A.作者: sb156 時間: 2014-3-25 10:20
BDCA is the correct answer!作者: sb156 時間: 2014-3-25 10:22
A. confidential B. enhances C. authorized D. reimburses
17. The chairman __the acquisition of the small competitor.
18. Moderate exercise __ one's appetite.
19. The company __employees for all business expenses.
20. Only authorized personnel have access to__documents. 作者: J大 時間: 2014-3-25 15:54
C、B、D、A作者: nollores 時間: 2014-3-26 08:54
C. B. D. A.作者: sb156 時間: 2014-3-28 09:50
Perfect score~作者: sb156 時間: 2014-3-28 09:50
A. relocating B. storage C. basis D. compensation
21. This bicycle can be folded away for easy__.
22. Hynix is considering__to Shanghai, China.
23. The shipping firm provided__for the damaged camera.
24. Employee reviews are conducted on a regular__. 作者: nollores 時間: 2014-3-30 22:20
basis作者: J大 時間: 2014-3-31 16:40
B、A、D、C作者: sb156 時間: 2014-4-7 09:41
yes, BADC indeed!作者: sb156 時間: 2014-4-7 09:43
A. commercial B. evaluate C. creativity D. revealed
25. The source of the rumor has not yet been__.
26. The government is building a new__district in Taipei.
27. The management is going to__employee performance.
28. Do you think comic books encourage children's __? 作者: J大 時間: 2014-4-7 17:20
D、A、B、C作者: nollores 時間: 2014-4-8 00:01
D. A. B. C. 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-4-8 09:53 correct!作者: sb156 時間: 2014-4-8 09:55
A. flyers B. extremely C. considerable D. landscape
29. We produce over 50,000 promotional__each year.
30. Yosemite National Park is well known for its beautiful__.
31. We experienced__difficulty in getting the components.
32. The hotel's service was__disappointing. 作者: 包子媽 時間: 2014-4-8 21:04
sb156 發表於 2014-4-8 09:55
A. flyers B. extremely C. considerable D. landscape
32.B 作者: nollores 時間: 2014-4-9 00:12
A. D. C. B. 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-4-9 10:43
perfect answers!