1. Visit your __ Travel ABC office to inquire about the schedule.
2. This __ doesn’t work in our favor at all.
3. The sales results have not satisfied the__.
4. The company has strong __ for growth. 作者: sb156 時間: 2013-12-27 08:56
沒錯! 請往下試試看5~8題!作者: sb156 時間: 2013-12-27 08:59
A. approved B. delayed C. procedure D. institute
5. The shipment has been __ due to the holidays.
6. The bank needs to simplify the complicated __ for a loan.
7. The manager __ my application for leave.
8. Dr. Gomez taught at a university before joining the Economic Research__. 作者: J大 時間: 2013-12-27 10:38
B、C、A、D作者: sb156 時間: 2013-12-30 11:19
you got it!作者: sb156 時間: 2013-12-30 11:22
A. maintenance B. predict C. issued D. branch
9. The company __ an official apology to the dissatisfied customers.
10. She manages the new __ in Singapore.
11. Financial experts __ that the stock market will crash.
12. The accident was due to poor __. 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-3 09:11
yes the correct answer is cdba! 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-3 09:13
A. lowers B. shift C. entire D. attached
13. The __ division is going to the training session.
14. The medication __ a patient’s chances of getting influenza.
15. Mr. Thompson works the night __ at the local manufacturing plant.
16. I’ve __ the form to this document. 作者: 露西 時間: 2014-1-3 09:27
請問有針對托福上一對一的課程嗎 ? 3Q !作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-6 19:53
請看您的訊息~ Lucy!作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-6 19:53
是的! CABD~
請試試看17~20題!作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-6 19:55
A. supposed B. publications C. promotion D. claims
17. Mr. Luala __ that he should get a full refund.
18. Ms. Plantini is being considered for the__.
19. All team members should read shipping industry__.
20. Sales employees are __ to submit monthly reports. 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-7 11:08
the correct answers should be DCBA~ Did you get them all right? 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-7 11:11
A. associate B. merchandise C. reference D. establish
21. Please keep this manual for future__.
22. I can __ good relationships with my clients.
23. A variety of A&B’s __ is now on sale.
24. He’s currently meeting his business __. 作者: 甜寶兔 時間: 2014-1-7 11:19
C、D、B、A作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-8 10:36
flawless! 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-8 10:39
A. banquet B. examine C. leaning D. finance
25. Mr. Smyth is making the arrangements for the company __.
26. The chair is __ against the wall.
27. The marketing specialist will __ the latest report.
28. We don’t have enough money to __ the proposal. 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-10 08:37
對的! 就是ACBD~作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-10 08:39
A. appropriate B. warranty C. certificate D. investment
29. The __ action in this situation is to wait for approval.
30. The copy machine’s __ expires next month.
31. She has an appointment with her __ advisor.
32. Can I see the __ of origin of these goods? 作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-13 09:36
Perfect! 以上是A4系列單字~ 請接A5作者: sb156 時間: 2014-1-22 09:31
祝福各位新年快樂! 勝邦語言1/27至2/5春節假期所有課程順延. 2/6起照常上課哦!作者: sb156 時間: 2014-2-5 09:59
SB Language wishes everyone a prosperous new year!作者: sb156 時間: 2014-2-11 11:30