iBeta 愛北大論壇

標題: 肉桂捲 [列印本頁]

作者: 葛小米    時間: 2013-11-6 10:00
標題: 肉桂捲
搬回台灣快七年了, 每到冬天往往都匯想到肉桂捲這個東西, 偶爾在外面也會看到有商家在賣... 但是真的都好難吃.. 往往都是好硬的麵包還有一點都不香.. 我熟悉的肉桂捲是又軟又香又黏的.... ' Q  s! b2 E3 o' Y
有天我家老爺子說..  那你自己做... 結果!!!哈哈哈 果然有自己想念的味道..
8 y5 e. k, s9 z* b, C" y' @: X
作者: 樂活三峽    時間: 2013-11-6 10:03
作者: 葛小米    時間: 2013-11-6 10:56
本帖最後由 葛小米 於 2013-11-7 10:25 編輯   B, y4 c* ?: Q- b; F  E# @" H
樂活三峽 發表於 2013-11-6 10:03 * y: `+ b9 a4 b3 n/ l* O' |# g# L

7 S' \5 Q3 u8 E3 [* s: Y# W, f4 E) P; `
我先把英文的貼上... 晚點再來翻成中文6 e& |5 {/ Y- Q, B' v; a
+ Y$ N# o6 q- U0 Y
1/4 cup (60 mL) 糖3 a% ~" D& U" `0 Y5 m
1/2 cup (125 mL) 溫水
3 f) x3 C5 Q3 m* r* ^9 d1包酵母粉, (or 1 tbsp)) j; T( }7 U( l' I
1/2 cup (125 mL) 牛奶
! o. p& V( {& P& e7 U7 X1/4 cup (60 mL) 奶油
  F$ `( \: S. e) i7 g" s  H' n3 b1 tsp (5 mL) 鹽. A! W$ x2 V1 s
2 蛋 打散6 q1 W3 u- s) |
4 cups (1 L) 中筋麵粉3 }1 A: B3 v" {5 V) q5 e

* A0 m1 L2 {  y餡:9 W: q% g' q6 Y9 A. E4 _
1-1/2 cups (375 mL) 紅糖; o. ~9 a) K/ U) _" w, N
1 cup (250 mL) 奶油
) P& O/ d( h% M  d1 cup (250 mL) 切碎的核桃2 y3 F+ C* a+ A* C/ `) i6 J+ n
1 tbsp (15 mL) 肉桂粉
2 x; m1 o# }. X* R  b7 \
$ o4 v* ]- {. x, ]' Q8 j9 [& n+ q$ u
In large bowl, dissolve 1 tsp of the sugar in warm water. Sprinkle in yeast; let stand until frothy, about 10 minutes.* I# h2 e* [, `* n: _
5 I! ~0 x  D) q1 O. l
Meanwhile, in saucepan, heat together remaining sugar, milk, butter and salt until butter is melted; let cool to lukewarm. Sir into yeast mixture along with eggs.
! M( g1 }# j) u; H( q. e
+ u0 s2 z% U: z0 t; aWith electric mixer, gradually beat in 1-1/2 cups of the flour; beat until smooth, about 2 minutes. With wooden spoon, gradually stir in enough of the remaining flour to make soft, slightly sticky dough that comes away from side of bowl.+ q5 x; X- L5 B+ K7 o
' ~& C( @. v- C7 r- ]: \
Turn out onto lightly floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, 7 to 10 minutes, adding remaining flour as necessary. Place in greased bowl, turning to grease all over. Cover and let rise in warm draft-free place for 1 to 1-1/2 hours (or in refrigerator for 2 X1 t; S" w) r/ i" Y
8 hours) until doubled in bulk and impression remains when fingertips are pressed into dough. 5 \. P1 E7 f2 F: D) S

- k$ a! d* K7 k% R9 e+ f5 tFilling: In saucepan, whisk 3/4 cup of the sugar with 3/4 cup of the butter over medium heat until melted. Pour into greased 13- x 9-inch (3 L) baking dish. Sprinkle with half of the pecans; set aside.
8 S& Y( [* d$ I 6 Q  F( s& K, L. s
Melt remaining butter; set aside. Combine remaining sugar, pecans and cinnamon; set aside.
; n6 b4 k/ Q, ^4 ^% t8 E* l! E " i2 f, J( `7 b% F# Z% w
Punch down dough. Turn out onto lightly floured surface; roll out into 18- x 14-inch (45 x 35 cm) rectangle. Brush with all but 2 tbsp of the melted butter, leaving 1/2-inch (1 cm) border uncovered; sprinkle with sugar mixture. 2 Q4 s. M: I7 n5 g* `
. n2 @# X" d" g- P8 D
Starting at long side, tightly roll up, pinching seam to seal. Brush with remaining butter. With serrated knife, cut into 15 pieces; place, cut side down, in dish. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour.
. y( U& i7 S6 M$ M. a# [& [4 S" b) C
! b6 ~+ q, ^: F# P( e- kBake in 375°F (190°C) oven until golden and tops sound hollow when tapped, 30 to 35 minutes. Let stand in dish for 3 minutes. Invert onto serving platter, scraping off remaining filling in dish to drizzle over buns., z, [7 u8 P; b: \+ `

作者: 流浪廚師    時間: 2013-11-6 11:15
葛小米 發表於 2013-11-6 10:56 % w6 E, p5 o" z5 H5 q: Z( k
我先把英文的貼上... 晚點再來翻成中文2 o: V& Z) u  e3 x0 C9 v$ u- _1 M

. p. ~- @9 h$ J5 N1/4 cup (60 mL) granulated sugar

5 j  b5 S/ O; k2 ?太棒了。好好吃的感覺。
作者: 逍遙    時間: 2013-11-6 11:35
看起來好道地, 好吃誒!
$ G; q0 H. ]0 S4 D7 I& M! k
; Z: p$ W9 h/ ^1 S" `8 t+ x0 {' `我也是很喜歡(在美常吃)可是怕胖不敢多做
作者: 陳太    時間: 2013-11-6 12:26
樓主的照片勾起了我的回憶....記得當年在冷冷的冬天時, 肚子裡的蛔蟲作怪時, 總會忍不住跑到附近的mall 去買一個熱呼呼, 甜甜黏黏又香噴噴的肉桂捲, 就當成一餐.
作者: 葛小米    時間: 2013-11-6 12:32
陳太 發表於 2013-11-6 12:26
+ w, M. z9 v& T( Y* L7 ~) r# D樓主的照片勾起了我的回憶....記得當年在冷冷的冬天時, 肚子裡的蛔蟲作怪時, 總會忍不住跑到附近的mall 去 ...
* a2 j% u" _+ P& |, b3 F1 }
真的... 我也常做這件事... 哈哈哈哈哈哈
+ I1 f/ |3 _) j: l, ?5 Y
作者: MeGuMaMa    時間: 2013-11-6 12:37
作者: jennifer媽    時間: 2013-11-6 12:42
6 D1 {( o5 y5 I1 _9 I5 j
8 }- H3 T# G1 P% N% B: H( n整個車站被肉桂捲的香氣佔據,
4 t. w+ ]5 K  K' |! q( T  N$ f% L$ y/ D0 F# x' K: X7 A0 x
作者: w5719w    時間: 2013-11-6 13:12
作者: 張小媚    時間: 2013-11-6 13:23
看起來好可口喔~~~/ D" M5 ]5 K6 B3 T& ?
! Y* n% E0 |. {/ H% F$ G7 O  z棒棒!
作者: 雞婆    時間: 2013-11-6 16:54
MeGuMaMa 發表於 2013-11-6 12:37 2 c& I0 X/ _6 E- ?

" j5 [, Y! F( o: \. S9 V5 w8 SCOSTCO已經停賣很久了~殘念啊!!
作者: MeGuMaMa    時間: 2013-11-6 17:42
雞婆 發表於 2013-11-6 16:54 9 [6 @) E: s& l9 t& S5 h
+ z& i, Z$ l1 i" t; `0 @: x( Y
作者: orchis    時間: 2013-11-7 16:39
本帖最後由 orchis 於 2013-11-7 16:40 編輯 2 w) f! @! t! m2 |
MeGuMaMa 發表於 2013-11-6 17:42
! J  d) z1 P5 B( z是這樣嗎?我記得我最後一次買是兩年多前

% e7 w7 f0 O+ X) q- E- y& }. T5 f! v1 o1 }
8 }8 ]' V. O$ a5 E- [& l5 ^8 P現在哪裡可以買到道地的????
: J, I9 f  i/ U# M% @9 p3 Y8 M流口水中~~~
作者: 雞婆    時間: 2013-12-2 15:48
MeGuMaMa 發表於 2013-11-6 17:42
3 ^( K: F% L( T6 J+ E# A9 _是這樣嗎?我記得我最後一次買是兩年多前
4 J4 `1 R, s; `" O9 i% |9 Y
上週去內湖COSTCO採買,又發現肉桂卷重出江湖喽!& u0 r& k: c* _

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